Why We Sponsor ProcureCon Marketing


At ProcureCon Marketing EU 2023, we spoke to David Melia, Head of Commercial at Turnstile, to see why they chose to sponsor.

What have the quality of delegates been like?

It’s been fantastic! We were just starting to reflect that it is very difficult for us, from the outside in, to reach global procurement teams. The ability to go from the top down is fantastic and the companies we have met were of the highest quality.

It was the access to senior decision-makers that ultimately was the big differentiator for us. It's great speaking to people who are involved in the process, but being able to speak to the top decision-makers and understand that process inside & out, that makes such a difference. This should speed up the sales process and the ability to work with them - that's the massive deciding factor.


On your usual business timeline, how long would it take to meet this calibre of delegates?

It could be up to 12 months as you become one of many when you're trying to reach out this way. Whereas here, you can put the names to faces, create a friendly environment to network and connect.

How have the networking breaks been and have you attended any sessions?

During the coffee breaks, we’ve been networking which has been good. It helps to get people over to our booth to have a private meeting with them. We also attended the drinks reception last night which was a lot more relaxed.

My colleague attended most of the sessions. They have been great quality and an opportunity for us to learn about how procurement think, want to work and how we can fit into it. Definitely some good learning, finding out what's key on their agendas for us to improve as a business.

How would you rate the event overall?

It has been excellent. From the moment we turned up, everything's been available, on time and all run smoothly. Based on other experiences, it's been fantastic.

Would you say this event could have a positive impact on your 2023 business goals?

I guess that will all be revealed, but based on the conversations we've had thus far, we feel very positive that this sponsorship has definitely been beneficial to what we're trying to achieve, moving forward with working with brands. We have some follow-ups in the pipeline. We've got numerous meetings that we've set up. We have got high-quality potential clients to meet and let's see if it bears fruit over the next couple of months.

Sponsoring ProcureCon Marketing will be important for us going forward. Just based off the quality of this event, it’s definitely something we will want to do again and were looking at the Connect Event as a future opportunity.


If you’d like to join as a sponsor at ProcureCon Marketing, then get in touch and find out more about how you can get involved